
Safety. Hope. Help. Growth.

Individual psychotherapy for adults.

Thank you for considering psychotherapy with me; I hope the information on this site will help you make this important decision.


Approach to Therapy

We all have an innate capacity to heal and a drive toward vitality, but these can become blocked by patterns of behaving and relating that we develop in order to protect ourselves and survive. The coping strategies that served us well at one time can stop working, and instead cause us suffering. Fortunately, we can change! Research in interpersonal neurobiology supports this claim. Psychotherapy provides a safe space and relationship that support healing and allow growth to unfold.


It can feel scary to consider giving up familiar ways of feeling, thinking, behaving, and relating. After all, they got you to today. However, in the context of enough safety over time, you can recover your inborn curiosity and drive for exploration and growth. The fact that you are looking into psychotherapy suggests you have the courage and desire to reclaim your true self. I would be honored to accompany you on this journey.